Companion in God's Mission

Connecting with companions who have a heart to support for missions.


To fellowship in the gospel of Christ by providing long-term assistance for the financial and moral needs of the local missionaries through our companions.


To connect with companions who will faithfully and zealously support the local missionaries through prayer and giving to further the gospel of Christ.


To motivate and inspire the companions to fulfill the vision.

About CIGM

CIGM exists to be a bridge towards companionship in God’s mission, Phil 2:25. It was a partnership established in October 2021 by a few pastors who agreed and were burdened with a common vision to fellowship in the gospel of Christ by providing long-term assistance for the financial and moral needs of the local missionaries. They encourage individuals, young people, young professionals, and churches to be companions through committing an amount within a year or more or a minimum amount of P100 monthly and to be sharers of the same burden to others. 

As we value transparency, CIGM put in place an automated financial system wherein recording and reporting can be viewed in real-time.


Where We are Headed

To connect with companions who have a heart to support missions.

Churches, Individuals and Young Professionals

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To manage finances and reporting with transparency.

Through a real-time automated financial system

Meet our Partner Missionaries

Join us in prayer and fasting for our partner missionaries and supporters.

Every Friday | 7:00 PM